
Thursday, 20 October 2016


We were given the task to make a alighned word /charecter lines (beast description I could do) and as you can se all of them are in different colours, shapes and are all mentionning something different.
I first used a pencil or a spinnie your prefferance and the taped the type on path tool and wrote something I wanted and done. You can also change the size and the way they looked.

Regular test

In this test we were set a number of tasks to complete and as is shown here up top.
1. Change the red square to green.

2. Place a  1mm stroke around the red square. Place a 4 mm stroke around the
blue square.

3. Switch the red fill for a red stroke. Switch the blue square for a blue stroke.

4. Change the red square to a black to white gradient.

5. Change the diameter of the circle to measure 40mm.

6. Rotate the square 45 degrees.

7. Pull one of the anchor points on the circle so that the shape becomes
egg shaped.

8. Group the four objects.

9 . Select both objects and Unite them using the Unite Pathfinder tool.

10. Use the Divide Pathfinder tool to divide the objects. Make the ovals
look like they are linked together.

11. Using the Symbol Sprayer tool, spray some object into number 11

12. Warp the star.

13. Change the basic brush stroke to something other than basic.

14. Divide the shape into two pieces using the knife tool.

15. Create a drop shadow on the T.

16. Use Image Trace to trace the bird so that it still looks realistic.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Cartoon alphabet

The task was to produce a alphabet using shapes whith a specific style.
So this time instead of using a square like youd think I used ellipses which were a lot easier to work with and allowed me to do what I wanted to do with the shape.
I used the ellipse tool, then the direct selection tool and customize the shape while not forgeting to add the colour and a brush definition of 15pt.
I went with the A,B,C,D,E,F route and this is the best of what i managed to do with them, I tried to keep it as cartoony as possible.

Blog addresses








Zuheir Mekki








Mohammed Zia



Thursday, 6 October 2016

NFS logo

SO as with the last one (murder logo) I used illustrator and used the type tool and wrote NFS (NEED FOR SPEED) as it was a game from my child hood. I used gradients to give it its look and red, white, and blue to give it its color a.k.a the police light color.

This is what I made:

Murder Logo

First go to illustrator and select the Type tool in the menu on the left (it is shaped like a T) the type something of your choice, make it larger and then start to make tweaks to the gradient of the letters and the color of the text to what you want.

For example this is what I did:
Looks freaky, gonna be very useful in Halloween.

Pathfinding using illustrator.

First you need two circles which are completely blank on the inside. You need to expand the lines of the circle and they can be what ever color you like.
You will have something like this:
Then select all of them, expand them and divide their appearance and eye drop the connection points to the red circle and you will have something like this:
And your done.

Homework: E-publications 6/10/2016

Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publishing or digital publishing or online publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues. Electronic publishing has become common in scientific publishing where it has been argued that peer reviewed scientific journals are in the process of being replaced by electronic publishing. It is also becoming common to distribute books, magazines, and newspapers to consumers through tablet reading devices, a market that is growing by millions each year, generated by online vendors such as Apple's iTunes bookstore, Amazon's bookstore for Kindle, and books in the Google Play Bookstore.

 It's a great way for a new writer to build a platform or create a following before going to paper.

Where paper publishers usually try to obtain as many rights a possible, the e-Publisher usually retains none.  That means the writer keeps the rights to his work and even has the option to take it to a paper publisher at a later date.

There is a lot more responsibility resting on the writer to market his own work.  With paper publishing people can visit libraries, bookstores or even see a book in a storefront window and make the purchase.

 Online publications may review e-books, but newspaper and magazine reviewers tend to stick with paper.  This is just one more reason why the writer must work harder at promoting himself.